It's finally here. Twelve brand new songs. This is my favorite record to date and I hope it becomes a favorite of yours too.
The LP is called 'Beat a Dead Horse 'Till She Resurrects'. All the tracks have additional post-production/cuts/scratches from DJ Rob Riggs to give it that glue. There will also be a 'Deluxe' edition available for purchase down the road. The 'Deluxe' edition will have additional instrumental tracks from 'The Astrea Corp' and extended versions of the current tracks here on the regular version. Real Good stuff.
I made this album after going through some withdrawals of how music was, and is, being released currently. Hip Hop is the culprit for the fast turn around of 'forgetfulness' I feel. How disposable have things become with leaks and downloads? I'm guilty of this as well. Leak free releases, we call promotion, to get us booked for shows. There is no substance I felt anymore; no wonder people don't support and/or buy records. They just aren't worth what they use to be.
I made this album pretending in was pre-internet and pre-cd. I pretended it was during a time where you put on a record and listen to the whole damn thing, no skipping tracks, no fast forwards. You put that record on in your room and just listen. That you marked on your calendar when that release date came. It was probably on a Tuesday and you probably met some new friends that day at the music shop who were there to buy the new record as well.
This record of mine tells a story, a weird complex one of finding life and vitality in things that were forgotten, buried and dead. It's music culture, artistry, relationships, addictions, and paranoia. We beat these things in our life (good and bad) with a stick until it dies. Sometimes those things can come back to life. Sometimes they come back to haunt or help you.
I don't want to dissect this album too much. I don't want to give you all the answers. I'm going back to a time where I valued music tremendously because I could play a record a 100x and could always find something new within it. A revelation, a connection. Like a good movie you just have to see twice. I attempted to make this. I want the listener to work for it, to understand, to comprehend, and to notice the detail and subtle aesthetics.
I'm on the verge of myself making disposable pop songs to pay them bills in this odd future, for now, this is my attempt to balance things out..
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